Bragging Rights Marketing: Just Sold Postcards
Just Sold Postcard Templates Boost Your Real Estate Marketing Reach. Top real estate agents celebrate their success. Celebrate and announce yours with just sold postcards. It's not bragging (although there is a touch of that!) it's informational. Just sold postcards position you as the agent in the community that gets the job done.
What better introduction to potential new clients can there be than demonstrable success attached to your contact information? Don't forget to send them to previous clients too -- this helps them keep you in mind when they are ready to sell or buy again – and it helps them to remember you when their family or friends are ready to buy and sell.
Make sure your message grabs their attention. Use phrases like, "This Home Just Sold! Want Yours To Be Next?" or "Sold! In Only 10 days!" or "Ever Heard of Staging? It's Another Word for Sold!" There are many templates and ideas for creating attention-grabbing headlines for your Just Sold postcards on
Be sure your smaller line beneath the headline puts the sale in context of the current market. "Sold! In Only 10 days" might have a secondary line like, "I can show you how to sell your house quickly, at the right price, even in the current economy, like I did for these clients." Encourage your recipient to flip the card over for additional information and a link to your website created to offer more information on the topic you are promoting in the just sold postcard campaign.
Word of mouth marketing is the best quality marketing you can have, peer-to-peer recommendations work! These just sold postcards will get people talking about you, about local real estate, and about how to get properties sold… using you!
So, if you just made a sale in this economy, scream it from the rooftops! (Or at least send out custom printed just sold postcards to announce it.) Reveling in your success is good. Showing others that you can list and sell their home is gold. Cash in on every success and use each sale to land more listings.
Be sure you offer your potential real estate clients something that they want (a benefit) and capture them with a compelling headline on your just sold postcard campaign. We can show you how with our easy-to-use just sold postcard templates in our online design studio. You can learn more about developing effective just sold postcards by visiting our real estate marketing tips blog: