Aren’t getting the bites you need? A price reduction may be in order. Announce it. Draw interest and keep your listing (and you) in the public eye. Be the agent that leverages a price drop into increase interest and speedier sales. Price Reduction postcard keep you visible and under budget. Quick sales mean happy clients and good word-of-mouth.
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Designated MCA accounts are eligible for discounts on most of our products.When you place orders through a designated MCA account, discounts are applied to the product list price and automatically show up in your order summary. Please note discounts are not available on all products. Cross sold products which are already discounted are also not eligible for additional discounts. If you need more information, feel free to call customer service at 866-763-8720. Also ask us how you can become eligible for VIP discounts on our system.
Designated RESELLER accounts are eligible for discounts on most of our products.When you place orders through a designated RESELLER account, discounts are applied to the product list price and automatically show up in your order summary. Please note discounts are not available on all products. Cross sold products which are already discounted are also not eligible for additional discounts. If you need more information, feel free to call customer service at 866-763-8720. Also ask us how you can become eligible for VIP discounts on our system.