• Upload your own custom Business Cards design for printing.

Front Side & Back Side


  • We accept only .JPG (JPEG) & .PDF (Portable document format) files for printing. Please make sure that all fonts and images are embedded in the files and that the files are of print quality. 300 DPI files that are converted to the CMYK color space give the best results. We will not accept responsibility for print quality in case your files do not meet our Print Requirements

    All files being uploaded must confirm to our dimensions. An additional fee may apply for artwork being uploaded that does not confirm to our dimensions. We also reserve the right to cancel any order we cannot process. Please read our terms before you place an order. All orders have a 4 day turn around time. If the file has errors or a new file is required, the turnaround time will vary depending upon when the customer is able to provide us with a correct file.

    Accepted File Formats

    We accept Adobe Acrobat Document (*.pdf),JPEG Image (*.jpg, *.jpeg) formats for uploaded designs.


    The Business Card upload file should have the following dimensions:
      Cut Size Bleed Size
    Horizontal Business Cards 3.5" x 2" 3.63" x 2.13"
    Vertical Business Cards 2" x 3.5" 2.13" x 3.63"
  • File Quality

    Please make sure that all fonts and images are embedded in the files and that the files are of print quality. Ideally your files should be at a resolution of 300 DPI and should be converted to the CMYK color space give the best results. We will not accept responsibility for print quality in case your files do not meet our quality criteria listed above.


    Your images and designs should be saved to 300 DPI at 100% of the dimensions at which they will print to ensure high quality printing results.

  • Templates

    To help you with the artwork creation, we have provided templates showing bleed, trim and safe areas for the text and images in the artwork.