As a remax agent, one of the most important marketing tools for open houses is the sign. We have created a variety of open house signs to help you draw in potential buyers. In this guide, we’ll discuss the different types of remax open house signs and how to use them effectively in your marketing strategy.
Types of RE/MAX Open House Signs

We provide a variety of open house signs, such as the A-Frame Unit and Sidewalk A-frame Unit, for you to choose from.
Designing Effective Open House Signs
When designing your open house signs, keep the design simple but eye-catching. Use clear and easy to read fonts, high-contrast colors, and make sure the message is legible from a distance. Include basic information like the address, date and time of the open house, and any unique or attractive features of the property.
Placing Open House Signs
To get the most mileage out of your remax open house signs, make sure you’re placing them strategically. Place your signs in high traffic areas and main intersections leading to the property. Make sure there are at least two signs on either side of the property to give potential buyers clear directions. Don’t forget to remove the signs once the open house is over.
Using Directional Signs
Remax directional signs can be incredibly effective in leading potential buyers to the open house. Use directional signs to point people to the location of the property from a few blocks away. Ensure that these signs are properly anchored and anchored so that they are visible to drivers.

RE/MAX open house signs play an important role in your marketing strategy. With the right signs, design, and placement, they can help you attract more potential buyers to your open houses. Remember to keep the design simple, place the signs in high traffic areas, and remove them once it’s over. Co-branding your signs with your personal branding can also be a great way to increase your brand recognition. By following these tips, you’ll be sure to have a successful open house that will leave a lasting impression on potential buyers.