Century 21 real estate success is rooted in effective strategic marketing. You’ve got sales skills and are proven effective in closing business development. For many just like you, the challenge isn’t selling yourself and your product, it’s getting into position to sell yourself and your products. More precisely put, it’s lead generation that often hinders real estate agents from reaching their full potential. Let’s talk about Century 21 real estate marketing products that will make all the difference in your overall business profitability.
As it pertains to successfully marketing your business, books are written, and business conferences focus on helping you design and execute your strategic marketing plan. One thing is verifiably consistent within the books and the conferences that guide you, direct target marketing is foundationally important to your future success as a real estate agent. Here at BestPrintBuy.com, our job is to make acquisition of real estate marketing business tools simple, fast, and affordable.
Today, let’s briefly discuss Century 21 door hanger marketing to represent your business and let prospective buyers and sellers know that you can help. Let’s take a dive into just some of the benefits of door hangers and what you can print on them to get the most bang for your buck.

Benefits of Door Hangers
Real estate door hangers relay information about your company and help you establish name recognition in a neighborhood. They are also very effective in connecting with homeowners who’ve been thinking about selling their home but need a little nudge. Here are some of the other benefits of door hangers:
No postage necessary for shipping savings
Reliable delivery method
No competition with inserts stuffed into mailboxes
Customizable message to tie-in to your corporate identity
Engaging message and graphics draw customer attention to recent successes
Inexpensive real estate marketing
What to Include on Door Hangers?
Your message should be very targeted for the greatest success and include a call-to-action. High-quality photography is also a way to boost your response rate and present a professional appearance. With eye-catching door hangers for real estate, you’re likely to get calls from clients you’ve never meet. Here are a few tips for getting the best response with great content:
Highlight properties that have recently sold in the neighborhood. Include the sale price and pertinent details, such as how many days ago it sold or if it sold before it hit the market. If you’ve recently sold a home in the area, include that, but you can frame any sale attractively to entice homeowners into selling.
Offer a free home valuation clients can sign up for on your website. Then, include a trackable link which lets you capture their email address for easy follow-up.
Offer tips on home repair, getting a home ready to sell and related topics. You can direct readers to your website to sign up for a free “Complete Home Selling Guide” or add them to a Home Maintenance Postcard campaign through direct mail. The goal is to create as many contact points as possible so that recipients remember you well enough to call you first when they’re ready to buy or sell.
If you live in a rainy area, door hanger bags ensure that your advertisement stays clean and dry.
As always, we welcome the ability to help you build your business affordably! Contact Best Print Buy today!