The ultimate goal of a real estate business card is to facilitate the start of a business relationship. That might mean establishing you and your business with a potential home sale or buying prospect. It might mean establishing you as a trusted subject matter expert for a host of contacts that will serve mutual business interests today and long into the future. The problem is, so many of you distribute business cards that don’t accomplish those goals. So with an open mind, read on.
What we offer you here is simply food for thought. Professionals in every industry are proud and confident by nature. But we also tend to be blindly confident in certain elements of our professional lives that strongly deserve deep reflection. Think about how many business cards you’ve received and in that first glance thought “ugh”. That card could be yours. This is such an important element of your business that you should periodically seek out those you trust for an honest assessment of your business card. You might be surprised at the results.
Realize that after the first eye contact, hand shake, and first few words, your business card is your critical next opportunity to make an impression. Now, realizing that critically important nature of your business card, give that resource it’s due scrutiny. Take a self-survey and discover for yourself how few of your competitors do this. You have two sides of this marketing tool to promote and answer the question “why choose me”. So, take advantage of that.
We will help you transform your business card (something that so many of your competitors use as simple paper stock) into a productive and profitable marketing tool. We’ve been doing this for years and love the stories about how our business cards delivered a profound and lasting positive impact on so many professional real estate agent’s success.
For more information on how to create a highly effective real estate business card, contact Best Print Buy.