It’s that time of year when we eagerly visit the mailbox to discover “who’s thinking about me today”? Well, when the recipient of your Keller Williams Real Estate Marketing Christmas Greeting Card opens your card, they’ll know that you genuinely care about them. This simple but memorable act endears you to that recipient. That endearment comes back to you in a host of ways.
Holiday season direct mail marketing generates listings. It is as simple as that. The most successful Keller Williams real estate professionals use a multi-faceted real estate marketing strategy that involves multiple promotional products. The one real estate marketing campaign strategy common across our most successful real estate agent clients is a seasonal direct mail messaging campaign during the month of December. This strategy empowers the agent to put a personal note of appreciation out to the entire body of people who helped the agent succeed over the course of the year. This communication strategy is not limited to “thank you” to clients they bought and sold for, it is sent to mentors, fellow agents, local business owners, family, friends, and others. All of these people are superb referral sources. Mailing real estate postcards to your widest contact list is a highly effective and efficient way to solidify you as their number one referral for real estate sales opportunities.
It’s time to get started! Contact Best Print Buy.