Door hanger marketing works! Just ask the most successful real estate agents in your market. There are several reasons why that we’ll share with you today.
First, they put you in front of your target market. You’ve heard the term “shoe leather marketing”, well this is true shoe leather marketing. This strategy puts you out in direct contact with prospects. Your out there generating handshakes and getting to know your market better. Equally important, they get to know you. A percentage of the driveways that you walk up will result in human interaction. Now you have a chance to sell yourself. You’ll be amazed how many of them who are not in the real estate market now, however, they know someone who is. And those someone’s are often frustrated with their current agent who is failing to deliver results. Those someone’s can and will put you on the path to new listings.
Now regarding the real estate door hangers themselves, they are powerful marketing tools when smartly designed. We can help you do this. Every door hanger campaign needs a crystal-clear message. The layout and messaging is critical. When you look at your door hanger design, ask yourself, “Why would I choose this agent”. If the answer to that question is not obvious, then get started on version two. This is a marketing tool that does not ask for you to be humble. Place a statistic or accomplishment “Just sold your neighbors at 20560 above market value!” as a way to establish credibility and interest.
We celebrate your success. Allow us the opportunity to move your business forward as we have for countless others. Contact Best Pring Buy.