Making the case for small-occasion real estate marketing

Valentine's day cupcake.

Valentine’s Day came and went and while you may have planned a romantic dinner out, or packing up a ton of conversation hearts for classroom treats, did you consider sending something sweet to your mailing list as well? Or did you slip into “marketing-only” mode once the holidays are over?

Don’t get me wrong – there’s nothing bad about sending your list a Christmas or holiday season card. It’s a great time to remind your clients that you appreciate them. But it’s also an almost obligatory marketing day. It’s hard to stand out when people are getting cards from their dentist, their phone company, and their car dealership as well. Putting a bit of marketing emphasis on smaller occasions (whether it’s through a Valentine’s Day postcard, a St. Patrick’s Day door hanger, or a Mother’s Day greeting card) can help you stand out from the crowd a bit.

Postcards and other giveaways for smaller holidays also add a touch of fun to your marketing efforts. Sure, a Christmas card is sweet, but a 4th of July real estate bookmark will bring a smile to your face.

People love to be remembered. And the relationship between real estate agents and their clients is a special one. After all, you’re helping clients with some of the biggest and most important transactions of their lives. Whether you’re a residential real estate agent helping clients as they build their lives together, or a commercial real estate agent helping your clients build their business, your clients will love to know that you’re thinking of them all year round.

Valentine’s Day is coming up. Why not take advantage of the occasion to send clients and prospects a reminder that you’re happy to have them in your life, every day of the year?