Just Listed Postcards

Want details on our high-quality just listed postcards?

  • Product Name: Just Listed Postcards
  • Physical Size: Standard: 5.47 x 4.21 inches Large: 8.5 x 5.47 inches (Finished Product)
  • Bleed Size: Standard: 5.59 x 4.33 inches Large: 8.62 x 5.59 inches (Before Cutting)
  • Material: 16 point card stock (what does this mean?)
  • Coating: UV Coating (what does this mean?)
  • Corner Options: Standard
  • Quantity Options: 100-20,000 cards
  • Turnaround Time:  3-7 Business Days (dependent on shipping method selected)
  • Other Options: Product customization is available. You may use our templates to design your own postcards for free. For $25 we will customize your postcard for you utilizing one of our templates. If you want a custom postcard designed from scratch, we can do that for you for $50. The customer must provide individual photos, logos and other branded graphics. All Images should be of print quality. Product customization include changing your layout, adding designations, and silhouetting your photograph.


Sample Just Listed Real Estate Postcards

Did you just list a great new house, commercial property, or undeveloped land? Tell the world! Our reasonably priced four-color process postcards can be designed in minutes and delivered in days to your entire contact list. Even if your contacts aren’t in the market for real estate, they may know someone who is.

Showcase the best feature of the property in vibrant, full-color to pique the interest of multiple potential buyers, and prepare for an onslaught of personal showing requests.

Just Listed Postcards should:

  • Use a single wonderful feature of the property illustrated with a full-color photo
  • Direct recipients to your website for more information and photos of the property
  • Offer information about the current market, why this is an excellent deal, how to shop for their own perfect home

Your just listed postcards will encourage potential clients to explore the just listed home, to review other homes currently for sale on your site, or to educate potential clients about buying a new home. Marketing is all about providing the information your potential clients want and need.

BestPrintBuy.com offers easy-to-customize postcard campaigns to make your just listed marketing and prospecting effective, economical, and visually impressive. Design your custom postcard campaign in a matter of minutes using our online postcard design and template studio.

Just listed postcards provide lead generation, keep your name active in your local community and demonstrate your success, while creating future successes. Our low-cost, high-impact just listed postcards are quick to create and inexpensive to send.

Get the word out about your listings and your ability to list. Combine this with your Just Sold postcard campaign for even more marketing impact! Success draws followers. BestPrintBuy.com is dedicated to helping you achieve yours.


BestPrintBuy.com offers two real estate postcard sizes (traditional and jumbo), over 50 categories of postcards, and over 2000 templates to make designing a snap. Our postcards are printed on 130-pound, 16 pt card stock with a high-quality, color enhancing UV coating. We don’t permit inferior quality components for our clients, because it’s our job to help you put your best foot forward.

Create your just sold postcards now on BestPrintBuy.com. If you have any questions, call us at 1-866-763-8720. We are here to help!